Located in the booming South Texas Medical Center, San Antonio Fire Station #32 is among the more than 600 developed acres primarily dedicated to not-for-profit healthcare (and related) entities. Because the previous site would not tolerate expansion, the fire station was rehomed to a site flanked by the Ronald McDonald House, the Medical Arts and Research Center, and undeveloped land. In keeping with new City of San Antonio programming initiatives, Fire and EMS functions are joined in the new design, expanding from 1 Fire Apparatus Bay to 2½ Fire Apparatus Bays with 1 additional dedicated EMS Bay and a little over 14,000 s.f. combined. Site challenges included: clearing brush, preserving native trees, providing new connections to utilities and services, and a steeply-sloping site requiring a large amount of fill.
The design has been informed by San Antonio Medical Foundation design guidelines, including use of exterior stone, specialty pavers and signage, as well as the San Antonio Fire Design standards. This project is an example of significant value engineering while retaining its local stone entrance, specialty signage, and covered outdoor kitchen for Family Days.